
I LIVED BITCHES and yes i have something new coming soon, I just need to make a cover for it and you'll have a new chapter! I'll actually be updating this one kinda regularly since 1. it's summer, and 2. I already have the whole thing written. I really hope you like it :')


Update: I'm probably going to be updating every day (Key word: Probably) because, again, I have it all written already. I just need to do a little editing, and then it'll be ready!


I LIVED BITCHES and yes i have something new coming soon, I just need to make a cover for it and you'll have a new chapter! I'll actually be updating this one kinda regularly since 1. it's summer, and 2. I already have the whole thing written. I really hope you like it :')


Update: I'm probably going to be updating every day (Key word: Probably) because, again, I have it all written already. I just need to do a little editing, and then it'll be ready!


i,,,,, i think i love hamlet and literally every Shakespeare play ever written a lil bit too much. is that even possible??


@Verity7 ,,,,,,,i don't???? know????????


            AUTOMATIC 100 IN ENGLISH


If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral...
          ... I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me...
          ... If you care.
          See how many times you get this. I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you ^^
          Once you read this letter you must send this to 15 people, including me. If you get at least 3 back, you are loved. <3
          Nobody knows how important something is...
          ... until they lose it.
          Tonight - right at 12 AM - the person you love will realize they love you!
          Then at 1 - 2 PM, be ready for the shock of your life...
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck :( 
          With love, send this to 15 people. If you don't care, I don't care!
          Tomorrow, 2 boys/girls will ask for your number.
          Send this to 15 people or bad luck will last for a whole year.
          LOVE YOUU


ooo im in the mood for a stupid story.
          mkay so my mom went shopping to buy our cats some new stuff a few months ago, right? so she comes home and starts to unpack her stuff, and i walk down the stairs and into the kitchen looking for some food and a good time. i run into her and in her hand is a lil tube of catnip that reads, and get this, 'meowijuwana.' so i'm standing there, looking at her like 'dafuq why do you have that,' cause i came down looking for a good time.
          "mom, why do you have meowijuwana?" i asked kinda loudly, and she said "cause it's mowijuwana" and then my dad comes down and he's just like "what dafuq is this about meowijuwana who dafuq is doing drugs in my good christian household"
          so my mom is like "i went to get some stuff for the cats so i bought some meowijuwana" and then my sisters come down stairs to make dinner and theyre like "meowijuwana?" and the my mom and dad and i are all like "MEOWIJUWANA" and theyre like "MEOWIJUWANA"
          by then it was time to feed said cats (who i love with all my damn soul, thank you very much) and they were like "hi we're hungry can you feed us now hoomans" and we're all like "MEOWIJUWANA" and then my cats are like "MEOWIJUWANA" and yeah. that's the end. 
          - kingpin