
guys i lied :( i’m sorry i have to take a lil break from wattpad. there’s just lots of going on but i promise i’ll update when i get back ! happy new year btw :))


Hi I would like to come on here to shed light to something i have done in the past. About a year or two ago I believe i have commented some offensive statements on a book. I would just like to say real quick that I do NOT support racism in any shape or form. My intention was not to be racist, I simply thought of a stupid joke that I thought i would comment. Please DO NOT call ANYONE asian if they are not actually asian. That is using stereotypes and is racist, even if you don’t mean to be. I apologize for my past comments about Calum, I absolutely love him with all of my heart and I would never intentionally insult him or disrespect him. I am especially ashamed because I myself am asian. I was very young and ignorant but since then I have matured and grown. I truly wish I could delete those comments but I have yet to find them. I am deeply sorry and I know that my actions were undeniably wrong.