im gonna say so sorry to all my readers, my besties, my people who always by my side from the start i open this account. im truly sorry that, i think, i cant keep the promise to update my writing regularly. im truly sorry :(
my real life chokes my neck everyday. i cant breath easily everytime recently. dari pagi sampe menjelang sore, aku sibuk di luar rumah dan gak ada tempat tenang untuk nulis sekalipun. ketika di rumah, aku masih harus berkutat sama tugas yg tak pernah habis setiap harinya. even to play games freely aja aku udah gak bisa kalo enggak mikirin tugas. i know i need to arrange my schedule again, but i think i couldnt include the writing time into it :(
so, im gonna take a long... long hiatus, yg entah sampe kapan. i will never make any promises again. but dont worry. i wont close this acc. you still can read my story. you still can reach me through DM and iam so happy to talk to you.
thank you so much for your support until now. im sorry karena banyak cerita yg gak bisa kuselesaikan. maaf banget. dan terima kasih banyak.
lastly, please keep supporting our boys who will go to military soon. our jinnie will go first. so please pour a lot of love and support for The Astronout, besties ❤️
best love,