
I know its been a long ass time since I've updated had a lot of family stuff to deal with life's just been chaos lately but I have been working on it trying to write out the last few chapters so when I update it'll all be at one and you'll no longer have to wait 
          	But it's been so long I keep having to recheck everything to make sure it lines up with what I've previously wrote in the book and it's just difficult but I really am working on it I'm so so sorry for not updating in so long 


I know its been a long ass time since I've updated had a lot of family stuff to deal with life's just been chaos lately but I have been working on it trying to write out the last few chapters so when I update it'll all be at one and you'll no longer have to wait 
          But it's been so long I keep having to recheck everything to make sure it lines up with what I've previously wrote in the book and it's just difficult but I really am working on it I'm so so sorry for not updating in so long 


Ashley!!!! How are you and Aiden doing? I haven't talked to you in ages


@ashleyfagtastic children tend to do that, glad y'all are doing good!


@deferrari_milly were good he's growing too quick lol
            hoping to update the story soon now that things have calmed down a little its been chaotic latelt


please update saving kristian!!!! im dying over here


 its fine lol don't be sorry I know how much it sucks to wait for an author to update its torture so im hooping I can get back on track with updating this


@tigersnake5 i got it last night and finished it when i got back from school and it is just so addicting 