
I was in the same position you are, you know. Please know there is hope. My birth mother wanted to abort me. There were ten deaths in eight years in my adopted family. I was diagnosed with a mental condition, but a trip across the way changed my life. There is hope. No matter how depressing time gets, no matter how hard it is to cope with those around you when you can hardly cope with yourself, no matter how dark the path gets, you have hope. I know it sounds cliché, but I was nothing until I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. He saves. He heals. He takes your hurts, your wrongs, your mistakes, your anger and makes it beautiful and uses it for a glourious purpose. He makes you into the best "you" you can be. Please let me encourage you. I planned on taking my life on September 13, 2015, but I didn't, because I gave my everything to Jesus. He took it away from me, and he can take it away from you. I'll be praying for you, and if you'd like me to pray with you, please message me. I love you. God loves you. Don't give up. I repeat- don't give up. God bless.