
Hey hey y'all! First chapter of the Teddy fix is out. I'm not sure how often it'll be updated, but bare with me. I hope you'll like it!


Yo! Lad, Ladies, and GentalHumans! I figured out an update schedule that works for me! I'm going to be posting at least every Saturday, and other times during the week when I can. It might take me a while to solidify the groove, but hey - we can go on this journey together.


New story to replace the walking travesty that was "We Have History" - I'm so glad that that mess is gone. ALSO I'm doing the "Eight Nights of Computer Lights this year, meaning that I will post a chapter for ever night of Hannukah. I am considering also doing this with the four days before Christmas and then another on Christmas day (depending on how busy I am) because - CELEBRATE ALL THE THINGS (in reality I just need to write more so....)
          Anyhow, this has become long and convoluted. 
          Love Always,