
          	After my long hiatus and eternal hibernation, I have now enough material for book two of the Faraway Lands of Oz to maintain a weekly posting schedule. 
          	I hope you will like Sunshine on the Horizon just as much as I do because plot-wise, this will be the most revealing book of the entire series ;)) 
          	Enjoy and I'm looking forward for your reviews!!


          After my long hiatus and eternal hibernation, I have now enough material for book two of the Faraway Lands of Oz to maintain a weekly posting schedule. 
          I hope you will like Sunshine on the Horizon just as much as I do because plot-wise, this will be the most revealing book of the entire series ;)) 
          Enjoy and I'm looking forward for your reviews!!


Hello y'all 
          I have finally managed to get myself to write and the June Surprise, somehow turned into a July Surprise... 
          Regardless of that, I wanted to announce that I have finished the Van Helsing Short Story and will upload the first three chapters, once my character collages are finished. 
          Also, I have decided that I will cut out the part with the gang wars - basically Evanora's time in the Sin-ridden world - since the statistics show me that most people tend to get stuck on those and that they take FOREVER. 
          But I will not cut them out of the book entirely since during her time there, Evanora learns a lot of important things regarding the future plot of the story ;) 
          Therefore, it's gonna be a separate book which also allowed me to elaborate a little on characters and interactions. 
          Once again, I will post (this time the entire book) once the character collages are finished. 
          I hope you have a fun time reading and I will also try and continue with Sunshine one the Horizon, now that I have finished these two major projects. 
          Thanks y'all for your patience :))


Hello Wattpad! 
          I am back and refreshed and through with exams. 
          I hope that my - longer than expected - break did not make anyone too distressed. I just needed some time on my own, writing in my own pace but I have finally managed to produce a new chapter. And its gonna be groundsetting for the future of my book, that's all that I will say ;) 
          I hope that everyone of you is healthy, safe and well. I'll be posting regularly again and I might have a surprise for y'all next month around ;)))


Hello people! 
          I have decided to put the short story Van Helsing on pause for now because I cannot put myself into these characters at the moment. 
          But the good news is that I will be writing the second book of the Faraway Lands of Oz: Sunshine on the Horizon. 
          I will post the preface and the first chapter sometime this week or even tomorrow ;) 
          I hope all of you are doing alright and had a happy new year 


Hello all! 
          I wish everyone a very merry Christmas and hope that you enjoyed my advent gifts throughout the season. 
          I also hope that you have a happy, new and successful year 2022. 
          I'll be back with new Van Helsing content on January 7th and will then continue to post a new chapter on every Saturday ;) 
          All the best, 
          alwaysbooked <3 


I have planned a little something for December and the Christmas season. 
          I thought about making a little "Advent-Calender" for all of you, posting a new chapter every day from the 1st to Christmas Eve (the 24th). 
          That means though that I won't be posting until then so I have all the time available to dedicate myself to finish the book. 
          I will also be ready to start posting the first chapters of my updated version of Van Helsing ;) 
          I hope you enjoy and happy seasons!


I have been experimenting with a program that helps me create people via an AI and I thought of doing my characters. 
          So far, I only have the four witches but perhaps I'll be able to do more; even with side characters who are only briefly mentioned. 
          Just tell me if you'd be interested to see it; I'll post my work sometime soon ;) 
          Have a great weekend and I hope you're all doing alright :D