
every now and again i go through my drafts and remember how much i just to love to write and a part of me wants to do that again, even if no one reads me, just because i used to enjoy it so much, but at the same time i can barely keep going with such things so idk 


every now and again i go through my drafts and remember how much i just to love to write and a part of me wants to do that again, even if no one reads me, just because i used to enjoy it so much, but at the same time i can barely keep going with such things so idk 


so... i was thinking of writing something new. i dont know what exactly, but ive been reading a lot recently because ive decided that despite the lack of time, i wanna make time. i just need something to do which will make me happy. writing makes me happy. ill update you guys if i think of anything, but hopefully ill have something up for the new year.