Hey guys! Wow so it’s been a while, huh? Since I last updated/posted, I’ve gone through so much. I’ve had to have a lot of mental health time over the past two years but as positives: - I bought my first car. - I graduated high school last year. - I had my 18th earlier in the year, legal drinking age so lots of Saturdays I’ve been able to go out with friends and meet new people. - I got my first tattoo after my 18th and now have four tattoos hehe. - I have two new piercings + an upcoming third. - I got my first fulltime job (Didn’t last unfortunately. Was toxic environment). - Started at the gym - I make sure to go atleast once a week. And so much more. Will try and update my stories as soon as possible for you guys!! Just need to read through Dear Bully again to gain an idea of where I was up to .

@alwaysprocrastinate Super happy to have known you in person! You're a great person and I bet you'll find a full-time job you love!