
Holaa ! ^ ^
          I was wondering
          If you had the time can you check out one of my stories?
          Please and Thankk Yuu ! <3
          Would mean soo muchhhh to us !
          They are called Wait WHAT? I'm Married To WHO!?!?!
          Anddd ! ^ ^
          I'm a 17 year old girl...And someones out to get me...
          Tell me wahh yu think ! ^ ^
          Ohh and maybe vote?
          Thankkk Yuu ! For your time !


Hey I was wondering if you could possibly read my story? It's called "Tantalizing Desires Past Midnight" 
          In know these can get pretty annoying but hey that's what we authors have to deal with right? Lol 
          Well hope you read it! Maybe comment, vote, and maybe maybe fan? Please and thank you! 
          Nightraven896 xoxo XD


          Oh gosh, I'm gonna sound like every other person on this sight, with the 'HEY READ MY STORY!!"...but that's how you get readers I suppose, right? So, I'd really appreciate if you read my story: Lefties
          Here's a brief summary:
          Jack Olander has it all, a girlfriend, popularity, and he's a hockey star. His life seems perfect, until Rosetta shows up. The last Shape-Shifter, the irrational, mysterious girl, who's life is constantly on the line, reveals a world he never knew about: the world of Lefties, who are left-handed people with extroidinary powers. And he's one of them! And better yet, he's a Borrower, a rare power not seen for centuries! Rosetta whisks him away to The Guild, where he learns they need his help. There is an impending war between The Guild, the Leftie society, and Kyra, a Leftie Stealer, who will stop at nothing to see The Guild destroyed. And they expect him to stop it! Suddenly, the 14 year old, is thrust into a world he knows nothing about, and expected to fight a war! Along with Rosetta, who happens to hate him, Tori, a Memory Worker, Magnet,  the human magnet, Lloyd, who changes people into animals, and Derrick, who Sees Death, he embarks on a journey, fights through unimaginable things, and must face down a girl who just might kill him. 
          Sorry, I'm not too good at summaries, but if you want to know more, you should read it, haha :)


Hey Jennifer!
          If you ever have the time, are bored to death, don't know what else to do, or just because you want to, feel free to read my story and let me know what you think of it. It's called "Carrying the weight of the world" and I'm looking for some more feedback :D So don't hold back :)
          I hope to hear from you sometime!


hey welcomy to wattpad.. i no gay rite, thats my opening line! ta da!
          well was wondering if u want to read my story, u dont have to but reply back to me if u do so i can read urs too, if u have one....
          and u do! lawl
          well anyways... yea
          xx cassie


hey there! i would love to read your work when you put stuff up, but meanwhile why don't you check out some of my stuff?!
          i have a poem called never trust bloodsuckers and another one called move on? as if!
          i hope you tell me what you honestly think of them...it would mean a heck of a lot. maybe become fan if you really like it ;)
          i hope to hear from you soon; thnks in advance :D