I'm a reader. Although, I'm also a writer. At this point in time, I am writing a story, but I am at a major writer's block. I am planning on uploading the story once I get back on track with my writing, I don't want to post it and not be able to update. My plan is to start uploading during the winter, giving me time to write more and develop more ideas for my story. I want to be able to update every week, but I am a pretty busy person. I really want to get to a point where I feel comfortable with my story, but it will take a lot more editing and creativity to get to my expectations. I also have poems that are already written, so I will most likely update those soon, to at least have something to show my style of writing. But remember I am NOT just a poetry account. There will be actual stories. My stories will be pretty lengthy, about 50-70 chapters. I am extremely excited to be starting what I have been wanting to do for ages now. I hope you will take time to read my stories once they are on here, and get the chance to be a part of, and help me with, my future. This is all practice for me to become an actual writer/author/novelist. Thank you for taking the time to read this long introduction/ update on my life, I hope you enjoy what I will soon put on here.