
JARIANA HAS OVER 7,000 READS!!!!!!!! IM FREAKING OUT!! THANKS!! :) but on another note. idk if im gonna continue MFS. i want to but im always busy and i dont really feeel like writing right now. but im gonna try :) so whos seen the 1D movie?? i saw it today!! it was AMAZING!!


JARIANA HAS OVER 7,000 READS!!!!!!!! IM FREAKING OUT!! THANKS!! :) but on another note. idk if im gonna continue MFS. i want to but im always busy and i dont really feeel like writing right now. but im gonna try :) so whos seen the 1D movie?? i saw it today!! it was AMAZING!!


ok. so i just came on to check some stuff real quick and i saw that JA had OVER 5,000 READS!!!!  ohmygosh!! im like freaking out right now! Thanks to everyone who read it! ill try to start updating again soon! love you all! :)


ooh. my. gosh.... i havent been on in what 12 days??? JA has OVER 3,000 reads!!! EEEKKK!!! thank you all sooooo much. it means a lot to me that you all love it so much. I honestly cant beleive how well its doing. I realize that i havent posted this summmer and im sorry. im honestly not sure if it will even happen. :( its just gonna be really hard to get a good chapter written for you guys around all of the stuff im doing. but keep reading, commenting, voting, inboxing, fanning, recommending stuff to me, updating and everything! love you all!!! <3


so idk if ill be posting anything this summmer... i want to, but i dont have time. during the school year i do it after or during my homework, but now my parents dont want me constantly on the computer and want me to actually do stuff. so ill try but im letting you all know now that the chances of an upload are not very likely. sorry. :(