
I really need to start writing again..


"Bf/gf: i wanna take a break just to see if u can last a day w/o me Gf/bf: ok sure*goes to bed resting the urge to call the one they love an wakes up the next day going to their bf/gfs house only to see him/ her dead on the floor blood pooled around him an a bunch of scattered notes one of which says * "Congrats u lived a day without me ...u wont mind living he rest of ur life without me now ..i hope ur happy" Gf/bf:*grabs a knife a slits her throat crumbling to the floor an the last words barely whispered*"i refuse to live without u" Repost this if there is somebody in ur life u cant live without-all"


:D haha aweee that's soo sweet :) I love you to