First of all, what I wanna do is aku akan mengubah cerita My Bego Brother•Taekook Brothership itu menjadi My Disleksia Brother | Teenfic-Slice of Life.
Sorry to say but I have to do dan aku juga mengubah genrenya, I mean it's still about brothersip tapi bukan fanfict. The names and visuals ain't the BTS again, and it changes. Tapi untuk karakter tetep sama ya, watak mereka ya begitu. Visual akan tetep BTS but aku ga maksa. If you're happy for it, just imagine but it's not just stop it. And for the cover, sorry I may not change it. Well, itu ribet.
And it's good news for you guys, aku akan publish one chapter in the last and some side stories buat yg udah terjadi. I hope you'll wait for it so bad.