
Im sorry im respknding to comments and messages so late, my writing often causes confusion and im too lazy to open wattlad/tumblr at all, hope u dont mind love yall


Hii! Just wanted to say I love ur scara fic :) I made some spelling mistake suggestions on the 7 nation spellings, should I continue pointing them out or do u plan to leave them be? Your book is amazing anyway so i think it won't matter much >:DD  Sorry for writing a paragraph- anyways have a nice day!


@Helloo_world omg yss please! Im really sorry about my misspellings, im well aware of them, they are just so hard to remmber! (And im too lazy to check my writing everytime haha) i will try to check my grammar and typos, more and i really appericiate your help, thank u sendings lots of love, and have nice day too xoxo >3