

@All Followers :   I want to do something horsey to raise some money for World Horse Welfare. I have several suggestions in my head, but I want you guys to vote on which one you think would be the best for me to do. The Voted Top 3 will then be the ones I write down, hand to my family, and get them to sponsor me to do. I will be sure to post how much money I raise and which ones I decide to do once I've done them. Deadline for the voting is the 15th May 2013. Please vote by leaving a message on my message board. You can change your mind if you like but only up until the deadline. Here are the challenges for you to vote on:
          1. Canter for the first time without stirrups, I've never done that before.
          2. Jump for the first time without stirrups, I've never done that before either!
          3. Make up a poem about horse riding in the time it takes me to do six circuits of sitting trot.
          4. Do all the trotting poles I have without stirrups.
          5. Jump the highest cross-pole jump I can make.
          6. Ride sitting trot (on the lunge!) without stirrups OR reins!
          What do you think? Please vote now!