
@abbyconn23775 thank you so much! Trying to write more when I can. Is there anything specific you would like to see in the future of this story??


No not really... You always seem to have good ideas and I like them:) I just can't wait till you write more


Omg I love the new story update!!! Both you and your storys are PERFECT!!! Make sure you take your time with the next update... Don't let people bug you about it... TAKE YOUR TIME AND MAKE IT SHINE☄✨☄☄✨☄


That is so sweet!! Thank you so much, I'm so glad I have readers like you(: 


Your writing is perfect, FLAWLESS... the way you wrote your story reminds me so much of Katniss and Suzanne Collins' writing! Keep up the fantastic work, and don't let people ruin this fun opportunity for you, remember, don't do this just for other people, but do it for YOURSELF!


Thank you so much! I love these books and characters so much that the thought of not having the story continue killed me. Thus, I found comfort in writing my own extended story and I'm so glad you and others like it! I have so many more ideas and emotions I want to incorporate into this series of chapters and I look forward to you reading them! Thanks again