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Shit you guys, I forgot! I need to set an alarm, well, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of the Book! See ya!


Hellur you people. So, exciting news! I am currently working on a book. a short one, I hope ;), But lets see what happens. Its a Christmas Special, and a ROMANCE!! Yay, man, I was waiting to finally do something else than fantasy. So, starting tmrw, I will post ONE chapter of the book EVERYDAY at  5pm Chicago time. And this time, I will be pretty dedicated to it, and I hope you like it! I will write the description down below, and I hope you have a great christmas! 
          **Christmas Special**
          When you find out who Santa really is, what would you do? For Delilah, getting a perfect school project is the first thing on her mind.


@Nazekiko kein Problem! Dein Buch ist einfach zum totlachen! Im guten Sinne;)


@Nazekiko Heh, ich auch;) aber danke schon mal!


@Gelatoooooo werd ich mal machen , ich mag englisch eh lieber als deutsch aber im schreiben bin.ich nicht so gut


@Nazekiko, gibt es denn eigentlich einen schlechten? ;)
            Ich hab mich gefragt ob du bei meinem Buch vorbei schauen könntest. Es ist auf englisch. Schau bei meinen Werken vorbei, es ist das einzige;)


Okay, so, in the previous chapter, I told you about a 'special' chapter! Well, this chapter is soooo short, that I thought I could publish it today as if it was part of the previous chapter so I only posted one chapter. Get it? Get it? ...  Yea.... Oh! And this is a 'late-night-special' too! Well, right now, it's not late at all, but in Brazil (Where I'm at now), it's like 11pm. Yeaaaaa, I can't sleep. So social media, you're on! Have a great night!