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BIRTHDAY CHALLENGE:- 01. When is your birthday? 29th January. 02. What's your favorite cake? hmm....probably angel cake - I live for that shit. 03. Who do you usually celebrate your birthday with? no-one because I have nobody lol, nah i'm joking....my family mostly tbh. 04. Your BEST GIFT so far?Definitely my laptop because I used to share one, slow ass computer with all my siblings and bear in mind my siblings are aggressive as hell...yeah, it got pretty bloody back then. But it's great because now I have my own laptop! 05. What was the best birthday you've had so far? The one where I got my laptop ;3 06. Cake or presents? presents. 07. Do you share your birthday with someone else? If you mean famous people then yes, Oprah Winfrey & Adam Lambert. Weird. 08. Do you celebrate your birthday with family/friends or everyone or by yourself? Tbh I don't really celebrate my birthday so I'd say myself but my family do buy cake..so idk, does that count? I'll just say family. 09. What's your opinion on birthday parties? They make me cringe I'm not going to lie. 10. What would be your perfect present? A trip to the beach in a forign country, I've always wanted to go to one of those beautiful beaches and just lie in the sand and observe all the fine ass guys because, sadly, there are no beaches where I live. 11. Funny birthday moment? I don't have any *sighs* tagging:- @ThatGirlCristina @makemeLOL