Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I wrote an update on here and even though I'm a little convinced that I'm the only one that reads them, I thought I would do it anyway. I have been doing a lot of writing and re-writing for the third book of the Power Play series (i.e. the sequel to Thin Ice). I want to do Erik and Rosie's story/lives (because they are real in my head) justice and I don't want to potentially write/produce lower quality content just to be able to post it sooner.
I don't want to do what they did with the third and fourth Home Alone's that are really hard to watch (or in this case read) - or really any series with too many continuations.
That is to say that I will write it and will post it on here once it's ready (probably the first ten or so chapters then another one each week following like before), but it is not ready now and I don't want to give a date on when it will be because I don't want to make promises I can't keep.
But rest assured it will come
I appreciate all your support with the first two books and all the comments that make me laugh out loud when I'm by myself. My family might think I'm weird but that's comedy.
I hope you have a good thanksgiving weekend for any Canadians out there and then an early good thanksgiving for everyone else. I actually don't know when all the countries celebrate Thanksgiving - or even if they do. Nevertheless, it's a good excuse to eat pumpkin pie. I hope you at least have that, otherwise it is a tragedy.
- @amariawriting