
if you’re ready for school to end clap your hands  
          	if you’re tired and want to sleep clap your hands 
          	if you’re jaded and you’re stressed and you’re terrified that you have to suffer through high school for t h r e e m o r e y e a r s and you’ve already been hit with senioritis
          	Clap your hands 


oh no
          	  good luck


@amaryllis8 *rapidly claps hands* the only thing is that I'll be starting high school next year...


if you’re ready for school to end clap your hands  
          if you’re tired and want to sleep clap your hands 
          if you’re jaded and you’re stressed and you’re terrified that you have to suffer through high school for t h r e e m o r e y e a r s and you’ve already been hit with senioritis
          Clap your hands 


oh no
            good luck


@amaryllis8 *rapidly claps hands* the only thing is that I'll be starting high school next year...


Roasts I’ve said out loud
          Friend: Tall people are mean.
          Tall person: Why are tall people mean?
          Me: You’re tall.
          Person: You sound educated. Are you educated?
          Me: I’m more educated than you.
          Person: Boo. Did I scare you?
          Me: Your face did.
          Person: *we were at Chuck E. Cheese and younger kids were dancing with chuck* Aren’t you going to join them? *joke*
          Me: No, because I’m not stupid.
          Person and me: *are talking about what I would be like as the opposite gender* 
          Me: Let me just say, if I was a boy, I would have more balls than you.


You’re only in one of them...


@amaryllis8 ...I'm in alot of these wow