
it is unbelievably hilarious to just watch rory in the background of every shot in curse of the black spot


@amazylee LMAO- its so good, a little slow at first but once you get past the first few episodes it gets really good


@UghMaryJane love that we keep just missing each other on these shows, twd is one that I've had on my list for ages


@amazylee I really like teen wolf, i need to finish it- but ive gotten caught up in so many other shows tbh-
          	  And ive been meaning to re-watch star wars bc i havent seen a star wars movie in like, 5 years and i have forgotten just about everything that happened other than "Luke i am your father"
          	  Most of the shows im watching rn are animated though, like ive been watching a lot of adult animation and some anime(bc some anime's are fr so good)
          	  I do watch TWD, which is 10/10 even though basically ALL OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS HAVE DIED- thats the one thing i hate about it, as soon as your like "you know what, i think this dude/chick is gonna make it" they just die-


I need to know your opinion on the season finale 


@-Bellerose- yeah I get that, still don't understand the snowing and confusing gods. but idk sometimes I like when they try and make us think it's a big deal when it's really not, like we were focusing on the wrong thing. can't remember when I've seen that happen before but I know it has and in moderation I think that's ok sometimes. idk I'm rambling


@amazylee I woukdnt mind her mum being a normal person if they didn’t make this huge thing and all the snowing and her confusing gods just to be some random woman haha


@-Bellerose- sorry that's first half of the last episode. I also like tlors better but it was really just the ending that got me on that one


it is unbelievably hilarious to just watch rory in the background of every shot in curse of the black spot


@amazylee LMAO- its so good, a little slow at first but once you get past the first few episodes it gets really good


@UghMaryJane love that we keep just missing each other on these shows, twd is one that I've had on my list for ages


@amazylee I really like teen wolf, i need to finish it- but ive gotten caught up in so many other shows tbh-
            And ive been meaning to re-watch star wars bc i havent seen a star wars movie in like, 5 years and i have forgotten just about everything that happened other than "Luke i am your father"
            Most of the shows im watching rn are animated though, like ive been watching a lot of adult animation and some anime(bc some anime's are fr so good)
            I do watch TWD, which is 10/10 even though basically ALL OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS HAVE DIED- thats the one thing i hate about it, as soon as your like "you know what, i think this dude/chick is gonna make it" they just die-


my app notifications aren't going through on my phone someone help


@amazylee literally, thankfully today's quiz was basically copying off the homework, it's so annoying though because it's so hard to comprehend all the stuff she teaches because she gives us all this information in one class period and I legit cannot comprehend all of it, and worst of all I came home and one of my Dr peppers is missing 


@UghMaryJane literal insanity, hate when teachers think that type of thing is ok. why don't they understand students have multiple classes and lives outside of school


happy birthday to Andrew Garfield, he's 40 and I'm depressed lmao. I hope he's picked up his flip flops from the cleaners by now 


love the social network 


throwback to that time my friends called me a literal minute after I saw them both in class to tell me that they just saw on Instagram that Pedro Pascal was dating Kendall Jenner and they followed through with their story for a solid 3 minutes as I was standing in a stairwell in disbelief and confusion