
Heyyy, thought I’d post this real quick since I haven’t updated in a while. My exams start on Monday and I literally have done nothing but revise since March and especially now. I’ll update as soon as they’re over and thank you all for waiting 


@ameliabarnesx Hey omg same, good luck to you tho, we got this  : )


I’ve never really been able to get in to books or stay with one and this has changed me I’m so glad you wrote this story but god did i cry i’ve never felt a connection with books and i got straight into this i love this and you and thank you so so sooo much!! this book means a lot to me


i haven’t quite finished what i’m reading at the moment (billion airs daughter) but this will probably be the first book i’ve finished and enjoy since ever really!!


Heyyy, thought I’d post this real quick since I haven’t updated in a while. My exams start on Monday and I literally have done nothing but revise since March and especially now. I’ll update as soon as they’re over and thank you all for waiting 


@ameliabarnesx Hey omg same, good luck to you tho, we got this  : )