
GoS's first phase edits are done through Dungeon 6 - Mansion Ruins!


There will not be GoS edits out next Wednesday and possibly next Saturday due to travel plans. I'm going to try and get us through dungeon 6 before my trip, but we'll see.
          There will be a full week of MoaH updates though the first week of December.


Small update: If you did not read the post-GoS news, I have been starting to post to AO3 as well, both the edited chapters of GoS as they roll out and MoaH as it is released. I am having some debate on switching from similu-release between here and there to fully migrating to AO3. For a number of reasons, but I've been told by multiple folks now that they're only on Wattpad still for my fics, and my fics are no longer only here.
          There are no decisions being made today, that's for sure. And I can guarantee that if I do migrate to AO3 all of the fics I currently have here will be brought over eventually (GoS is the big task right now for edits before I get to RA, CoL, & DAD). And it is not a decision I make lightly. Going from the nearly 300k on GoS here, as well as all of the years of comments and support, to starting over on AO3 is a bit of an ego bite, not gonna lie. But also if most of the people reading my works would read them on AO3, then migration might be the route.
          In the interim, you can find me on AO3 at if that's your particular persuasion for fic platforms. You do not need to be logged in to read my works currently. I will let you know as things are decided.


I forgot to post the is on Wednesday because I’m recovering from sick, but GoS is 12 years old now! Can’t believe that. 
          Thank y’all so much for the support for GoS through the years! We’re chugging along with edits. By word count we’re about a fifth of the way done on the first pass. We’ll see where we are this time next year. 


I talked about this on the blog, but there should be an update here too from the post GoS update:
          GoS edits are getting broken into two phases now due to scale. Phase 1 is doing the primary edit pass and lore updates, though its main goal is for me to remember what I wrote 12 years ago (because I didn't write any of this down). That's what we're in now and it is progressing at not a bad pace as I'm headed into dungeon 4 this week, about 2-3 chapters a week.
          Phase 2 is going to be the beef things up pass. Possibly with beta readers, I'm undecided on that at the moment mostly because we are still relatively early in phase 1. The goal is to get chapters up from some of these barely 1k chapters to at least 1.5k to 2k, on mostly better descriptions and not like, new plot. GoS is still an over 400k word fic (and a prequel for MoaH which is going to be what it is at 9 books and already almost 600k as we're headed to the end of book 2), I don't think it needs to aim to be too much longer at this point (that's what MoaH is doing).
          This does mean GoS is probably going to be in edits for a lot longer than I thought originally. I'm trying to be reasonable to avoid getting stuck in editing jail. I would rather be writing MoaH, if we're honest, which is why there's not more editing time at the moment but we'll see how that goes as I get more of GoS back under my belt. And at least on the editing MoaH front, I have chapters for that scheduled into June so.


So, updates on the Discord thing. Between here and the blog, seems like there's some interest. I am putting together a skeleton of a server right now. I will be putting the details for it on the blog when it's ready and I'll be sure to get the details here as well when it's open.


@Voided__ I'd love a place to hang out with folks more, even if admittedly it'll probably be kinda small since I'll be running it solo. But I'm going to try and get something together by the end of the week, so I'll let y'all know.


@amelias-hart A discord would be absolutely legit!! I'm constantly on there, so definitely would be active there myself :D