
Hope everyone is ok! 
          	I am updating my books I promise just trying to do some shifting to get my head back into creative mode. 
          	Are you enjoying my new story?! This is going to be very smutty hehehe. 
          	Lots of love x


Hi guys! 
          I’m sorry I haven’t been posting it’s been a very busy few weeks & also because my niece was born this morning at 11:57am weighing 7lb 3oz!! 
          Mom & baby are doing so well & should be home tomorrow I have a bit of a cold too so please bare with me I promise to get this new chapter out in the next few days as it’s a Xmas one & I want it out before Xmas day. 
          Thank you for being understanding, love ya x


@milliexlupinx  Congratulations on becoming an Auntie! 


Hi guys! 
          It’s been a while I know I apologise for the lack of updates on my books I’ve been so busy & my sister is due her baby in a couple of weeks so I am getting the place ready for her arrival. 
          But I am spending a bit of tonight & all tomorrow updating each of my stories so please show your love & support & thank you for being understanding & patient. 
          Amelia x


Hi guys!
          So l'm figuring out what sequel to do after the Malfoy family story..
          Do I do one about the girls at Hogwarts doing POVS on each one per chapter so you can see what they get up to?
          There'll be a bit of smut but later on when they are older so you'll expect drama, smut & Y/N & Lucius will be in it but mainly the three girls.
          Dol do a mini one when Y/N & Lucius are older and become grandparents and end it nicely (or sad)
          If you have any ideas let me know I'd love to hear it.
          Hope your enjoying my books, I will be updating other ones as quick as I can guys and I do have another story I really want to do. Also the “Too Difficult to love?” story will be edited as I want to do some improvements to it so in the meantime please don't read it until l'm finished as it will make more sense then! You can read my Jason Issac’s one as I’ll be focusing on that a lot more now. 
          Lots of love and smut x


I think the one with the girls but u could also at some smut with y/n and Lucius still but I like the girls idea also I love your story’s they are the best 


I hope you are enjoying my books, can you please share it around, tag your friends, leave a review on your TikTok just please support me as much as possible so I can continue writing knowing some people are reading this lol 
          Thank you 


I love your books, they are amazing! <3


Ofc we are enjoying and i hope you continue ti write


There will be an update on my stories this weekend I’ve been so busy packing & moving house!! Also I had a dream about Jason I want to write a fanfic about it because it was VERY vivid & s*xual!! So look out for that lol. 
          Thank you for all the support & being patient with me. 
          Amelia x


Guess who’s writing a new book in the new year? The 2nd part to Falling For Daddy Malfoy ;) 


I love that book and can’t wait for 3rd chapter!!!


@milliexlupinx i read the first part love it cant wait for more hope it comes soon


@milliexlupinx just wanted to know when is falling for daddy Malfoy coming out ?


Can you leave opinions on my book please? What do you think of it?  :) 


@milliexlupinx  it was wonderful darling, i cant wait for book 2


@ milliexlupinx  I really like it but I feel like it's going to go just like the other book but that's not a bad thing x


New update will hopefully be done by Wednesday the latest as I’m currently working on my new story about Dirty Dancing but I’ve also got a Lucius one under my sleeve so keep a watch out! I won’t update as quick as usual because I have a holiday upcoming & then I’m back in college doing my 2nd year so I definitely need to put that first but I’ll try my hardest to fit things in. 


So I’m coming to an end of Falling for Daddy Malfoy & I’m gutted tbh but I’m having to as I’m running out of ideas to keep it going without boring you guys, I might come back & do a sequel in the future when Y/N and Lucius are older but I want to write a couple of other things first. I was thinking of a Lucius OC reader or a Fred Weasley X Reader. I also want to continue with my Harry & Luna one & the Snape one too so I’m not disappearing I promise. I also will make sure to end Falling for Daddy Malfoy in a good way :) hope you are enjoying my work, please keep sharing the love 
          ~ Amelia x


Girll i wanna read that one snape story you did on TikTok 2 years ago 