I am a fun-filled, happy little piece of sunshine.
as you can tell from my books.
Lol jokes I am actually a sad person who never leaves the house...
again, lol jokes, I do have a life, if you can call it a life.

BTW, I am currently taken. Not that anyone is really going to read this, but still.
  • JoinedDecember 17, 2016


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Stories by ameliedotwhite
sinking deep by ameliedotwhite
sinking deep
a multitude of books from the darkest, most dirty parts of my mind! enjoy.
Laura by ameliedotwhite
Laura stared out of the iron bars of her cell, staring into the icy wasteland that her home had become. Today...
Nyah by ameliedotwhite
My name is Nyah. Nyah Rose Gayme. I am a child of only fifteen, but I have been on a journey that no-one coul...