(contin.) ( potentially causing self - esteem issues which he keeps hidden. ) through befriending the morioh gang , okuyasu now has more positive & encouraging surroundings , yet that doesn't change the fact that from his youth to the age of sixteen , he was surrounded by negative aspects , words & actions.
ALSO , okuyasu canonically DIES. he gets a hole blown into his side , & then proceeds to bleed out from the wound. yes , josuke uses crazy diamond to heal him , but despite the stand's ability , okuyasu was already DEAD. his body was healed , yet okuyasu had already DIED. it is stated that he was no longer BREATHING & his pulse was nowhere to be found. we even find out that okuyasu was on the brink of life & death , & only survived due to his decision to return to the living world. crazy diamond didn't bring okuyasu back to life — crazy diamond just healed the wounds of an already dead person.
& regarding his death , we don't hear about it again ( because shortly after this , kira is defeated & the part comes to a close ) ,, but i believe that the effects of such a thing wouldn't be easily dismissed. dying & coming back to life isn't something light to look over , & it could easily cause PTSD for okuyasu , alongside many nightmares & other things to follow ( but that's a headcanon & a talk for another post. )
IN THE END , okuyasu isn't a character who should be taken lightly. yes , he can be an idiot , & yes he's funny at times. but he's more than JUST THAT. he's a character with so much development & a heavy backstory — things that shouldn't be erased just so he can be painted as ONLY an idiot ++ clown. okuyasu is a wonderful character , & though i'm INCREDIBLY biased , he really does need more love & appreciation. i'm well aware that this rant was scrambled , & ...