
@megygirl i actually get asked these questions a lot, so your not alone. in my opinion it is fine to believe in two different religions because it is YOUR belief and only you can choose what to put your faith in. yes, i have seen all episodes of charmed. they are great, but it is less wiccan and more witch. both witches and wiccans are pagan but there are a few differences. as for your parents im not sure how to break the news to them, no one in my family is very religious other than me and my mother. i hope i answered all of your questions. if not, feel free to message me
          	XD blessed be 


I am totally new to the Wicca thing, but while i was transcribing the Wiccan Reed in a notebook of mine, i was feeling a light pressure on my chest, but my head was very light, and on the first page it was my writing, the next page it was a totally different one, as if i was not actually the one writing, and the next ones was a combination of those two, the pressure in my chest growing until i finished writing, and after that i was feeling extremly calm, like nothing in the world mattered and there were no consequences to anything whatsoever.
          Could you please tell me, if you know, what just happnenned??
          (Sorry for the long text)


@Wanda_is_an_ARMY_now i think that means you were possessed by a spirit


Hello Im new to Wiccan and im looking for other people who use wiccans opinion
          So please tell me anything that i really need to know and its okay if you cant..
          And im sorry if i bothered you slightly for this its just that nobody sells wicca books here and im pretty sure i wont be able to buy them immedietly and our internet connection here is not that great..
          Thank you for taking your time reading this..


I would love to be a witch but everytime I do a spell it never worked and I believe but it just never worked can u help me


@SamWilsonbballwife15 you have to truly believe. You can't have a shadow of a doubt on magick. But if you're still having issues. Message me. Sorry if it's late. But I just found this :)