You know you shouldn't apologize for being a regular human being. You have family issues and you'll deal with them somehow. And I wish you to best of luck.
You are a good writer that's a fact but it's not enough you know well that, so go focus on your studies. I wish to read your much bigger works, so make it happen. I, honestly, have faith in you.
You say you lost your passion well i never think that this passion thing is something you can find. I strongly believe it's in you. It was always in there and it will be always in there. Something is just blocking the road. You just have to get it off your chest so go talk to a friend, talk to a stranger if this is easier, you can even talk to me if you want.
One more thing You. Are. Not. A. Rotten. Author. not by a long sight.
I hope you'll conquer all your problems and will defeat all your demons. Good luck with everything in your life.