
Hey guys! I'm back. I'm sorry I've been gone so long. I've stopped writing Forever United Here Somehow. I just lost interest and couldn't continue. I am however starting a new story in the point of view of a year 10 (freshman) girl. Please check it out :)


Hey guys! I'm back. I'm sorry I've been gone so long. I've stopped writing Forever United Here Somehow. I just lost interest and couldn't continue. I am however starting a new story in the point of view of a year 10 (freshman) girl. Please check it out :)


Ok guys, I'm done being all AWOL and pathetic writer and shtuff. We're gonna get back into this whole story telling thang and get this rolling again. Sound good? Sorry for my quite prolonged absence. I hope you guys continue to read and I will probably post a summary after the next chapter for those of you who have fallen behind. I love you all!! .xx - Noelle


IMPORTANT! I changed my mind. haha instead of ceolchroibog i have changed my username to amhranchroibog. Its just a different Irish translation. I am previously horans_heart1 (in case the ceolchroibog confused you) but I'm sill the same Noelle! .xx - Noelle


ALRIGHT. I've decided what my new username shall be. I shall now be called ceolchroíbog. It is an Irish phrase, so it makes sense to me. If you cant see my stories for a bit, don't panic, its just cos of the username change. :) I'm still here! .xx -Noelle