
happy 100k reads day for College Ruled !!
          	appreciate you all so much xx
          	— amelia


@amieroth CONGRATS!!! 100K IS AMAZINGGGG <3 


Hey, sorry for posting this here, but I really think this story is worth the try. If you would want to check it out. 
          The Talks We Have is a book in a series. It describes a blossoming friendship between an unexpected pair of university students. When this friendship is put under the lens of social media is up to them to decide what is going to happen next. Will they post their story or leave it in the drafts?


happy 100k reads day for College Ruled !!
          appreciate you all so much xx
          — amelia


@amieroth CONGRATS!!! 100K IS AMAZINGGGG <3 


Greetings from your favorite (or least lol) absentee author,
          Be on the lookout for a College Ruled update this week. Sorry that it's been a minute (again), I continue to misjudge the stress of juggling coursework, my job, my offline project, and this project all at once. But alas, chapter 31 is nearly here.
          Anyway, I'm going to keep thanking you all for your continued patience until I'm old and forgotten, I hope you know that.
          Soon xx
          -- amelia


@amieroth damn i thought you died. I CANT WAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIT


Hello all, 
          Thought I’d check in because I know it’s been a while, and I apologize for that. New chapters for College Ruled are coming, I promise, I’m just currently in the middle of packing/moving along with school and work, so I haven’t been able to get anything out as of late. But I haven’t left or forgotten about Grey & Remi — just wanted to let all of you who love and are invested in their story know that. I’ll update as soon as I can, and I appreciate all of your patience more than you know. 
          — amelia xx


Gurllll it’s all good, I’ve reread this like 3x already it’s so gooood, anyway all that matters is that you haven’t forgotten <3


@amieroth That's okayyyy, can't wait till the next chapterrrr


Ahhh no worries! The wait is worth it!! Good luck with moving <3 


Truthfully I don't know if this is public or not but i still need to say this.  amie your really good at writing and i love college ruled. I've been sick the past few days so i stayed home from school and needed to find something to read. College ruled popped up and i was like oh dammmnnn  so i clicked on it and then i got really deep into it and thought to myself holy shite im falling in love with grayson katz... bc seriously who wouldn't...... you are an amazing writer and i just wanted to tell you that.


thank you, this means so much <3 I’m so glad you’re enjoying it !