So on Friday we had the video. I mean THE Video. And then after THE video, we were forced into the same room as the boys to talk about THE Video. While sitting in boy and girl order. THEN, they passed out dry erase boards and asked questions about it because they wanted to see how much we knew... So one of the questions was 'What is a condom.' Nathaniel, (the boy sitting next to me) said, "A condom is something you put on a guy other head so they don't have a baby, or get diseases." Now you may ask, what's wrong with that question. He added 'or you can stick them on a banana and take it off the banana and put it on the ground so when your friends are over it looks like you get some. At least that's what Mrs. Paschal's (Our teacher) husband does since she probably doesn't give him any because she's to busy telling us stories about her son.' I got detention for knowing him! She literally looked at me and said 'Stop laughing, Since you love spending time with him you get to spend time with him after school. It will give you guys a chance to get closer as a couple.' Then she left the building. That my friends is how you get your teacher pissed off!