
Make sure to check out the first 2 chapters of Wildest Dreams if you haven’t already, I’d really appreciate it if you do <3 


i am guessing you will probably not write any more chapters? 


Hi, no prob:) i am also reading a lot of published books but cannot find the one like Wildest dream… you know where the H is the best player but more secretive and h is a badass who wouldnt be crazy about H in the first few pages of the book. It was reallz real like o was on college not this typical badboy/goodgirl trope.So, please give me the recommedation :) i feel elle kenedy weites similar characters that are developing though out the book and not in the beginning. Also love Tijan’s books ❤️ 


Sorry for the long reply! And I still don’t know yet but if I’m being honest, probably not. I’ve stopped being active on wattpad and have been reading more published books instead, but I’m happy to recommend any good books similar to what Wildest Dreams would’ve been like, or just any genres in general. 


What do you look up on Pintrest to find your cover photos? They look darker and more intense then anything i can find


Try looking up ‘sadlovernovels’ hope this helps! 