@TheStyclarSaga I will take all of your input to heart! I love to hear peoples opinions about what I write (as long as it's not meaningless ranting about what a horrible writer I am and whatever people like to waste their time saying) and what you have to say makes me feel confident in this story! I started it a year ago and have been re-writing it on and off; honestly this is my favorite of all my stories. I have been researching the hell out of this era and researching my own town's history too (which is where the town Emaline and the rest of the characters live is based off of... except theirs is older than my town) I have gotten into the habit of doing spell check around every ten seconds because my old English teacher drilled it into my head, but it's getting better; I'm spending more time on my story and less on the editing process. Eloise is just a starting name, she is actually based off of my twin (she's not really my twin but we were born on the same day and have the same name) so I was trying to make the names similar; I will admit even I get lost on whose talking when I have both of them in a chapter together so I have been thinking about new names for her. I'm really glad you like it and thanks so so much for you're input! And thanks for staying up so late to read my story; it really means a lot!