
@pianoplayah3 You can join us Grace! 


@ParrotsandPotatoes *laughs* You seem to have many .... interesting experiences in Oregon. We moved to southwestern Oregon, which is really near the coast, and Rouge River National Forest. It's so scenic here! I hope you and Grace earn your service hours for NJHS, and I hope you don't get eaten by a bear at Yellowstone! (lol)


My father and I is the correct way to write/say that.
          Also, HAPPY LATTE BIRTHDAY!!! Hope your pet rabbit is going well and such. You know, my friend used to have a white rabbit when we were living in China. It was really rabbity.
          I've been to Oregon before! I went last June on a trip throughout Washington state and Oregon. I thought Portland was a really nice city. There was a place in downtown Portland called "Frank's Noodle House." It was really god, and owned by a Chinese person. The noodles were rip offs, though, so we ate like chicken and veggies and rice...
          And you guys just randomly moved to Oregon? Which part of Oregon did ya'll move to? But woah, so many things I never knew happened. 
          And I was just here being regular old me and living my life. And Stuff. Ugh, now I have to earn service hours for NJHS (National Junior Honor society). Grace is in it, too. Lol, that was rannndom. 
          I'm going to Yellowstone this June on a camping trip. Should be interesting. 
          Have a nice day (or night, whatever).