
R.I.P Robbie Coltrane
          	You will be in our hearts forever
          	You were the best Hagrid


Hi my wonderful readers,
          I am so sorry I have not been updating but I am really busy at the meeting moment with all my assessments due and homework but I promise I will post in a few weeks when summer holidays come.
          Love Charflight


Hi Everyone,
          I am so sorry I haven't updated recently but I am going through a massive case of writer's block. But, my soccer season only has 2 games left, one tomorrow and one next Saturday so I hope I will be able to post more recently, also my 3rd Term only has 5 days left until I have a 2-week break. I would love to post something this weekend but I am going camping so I will try and post something next week if possible.
          Stay Awesome