
The entirety of Highlander's Kiss (Book 2), the sequel to Highlander's Embrace is now available on wattpad. Please let me know if you have any viewing issues, where chapters appear to be clipped or cut off, since that was an issue in book 1. Thank you.


@ amyisan  I just finished book 2. Omg what a «cliffie»  Can't wait for book 3 ☺


Si vas a poner todas, tus novelas en inglés no se para que las pones aquí en España aquí se habla español, no inglés, así parece que te burles de nosotros por no entender el inglés yo tengo 66años y me gusta mucho leer aquí pero así bamos muy mal (gracias) por nada 


The entirety of Highlander's Kiss (Book 2), the sequel to Highlander's Embrace is now available on wattpad. Please let me know if you have any viewing issues, where chapters appear to be clipped or cut off, since that was an issue in book 1. Thank you.


@ amyisan  I just finished book 2. Omg what a «cliffie»  Can't wait for book 3 ☺