
※→ ....Rei is typing.... 
          I'll describe ya in 26 words. 
          You're amazing, 
          You're bootiful, 
          You're caring, 
          You're dearly, 
          You're euphoria, 
          You're fantastic, 
          You're great, 
          You're halcyon, 
          You're invincible, 
          You're jubilation, 
          You're kind, 
          You're lovely, 
          You're magical, (UR A UNICORN-) 
          You're not useless, 
          You're overwhelming 
          You're pleasing, 
          You're quality, 
          You're radiant 
          You're smart, 
          You're talented, 
          You're unique, 
          You're more that you think, 
          You're xenial, 
          You're youthful, 
          Zkccjdnaoanxbcndisjebwksixjxbcndjwj- jk. You're ze most precious human being. 
          ♪↯ Combined!!!! 
          Love chu, ♥♥♥♥♥♥
          Pass this on to people precious to you, ^^
          Have a nice day mah prendo


Parceque ils vont regard un film avec l'ordie


ça sera plus facile


@-Cornichon-NT- on peut parler dans la messagerie ?