I condemn the horrifying behaviour of indian army in indian occupied kashmir.Life in Indian occupied Kashmir is miserable they are undergoing through a curfew.Today it's almost 17th day of curfew, no light, no gas, no water, no food, no internet, hospitals closed, schools closed, shops closed! The barbarism and hooliganism of indian army is unspeakable, Muslim mothers and daughters are not save their, to spread more fear indian army are kidnapping people of Kashmir treat them horribly and make their voices go public so that people get scare and say nothing in return, there's a lot more to say but i think i'll be out of the words and the terror will not go away!! My all prayers to the victims, survivors and martyrs over their. The most painful part is that arab muslims are silently watching their brothers and sisters cutting down into pieces (this is how money works). I urge you (muslims) all to sincerely pray for kashmir iam also doing so.
P.s.btw i want to know where are human rights societies? Where is UN? almost every international media is highlighting struggles of kashmiris is UN asleep? Doesn't it see human rights violation over there? Or it became deaf and dumb?!
#kashmirbleedsUNsleeps #stopbarbarisminKashmir #wakeupmuslimummah