
Good news! Wattpad has repaired their mistake and reinstated JackSepticEye Smut-Shots! 


Hi everyone. I know I’ve practically abandoned my account at this point, and I’m truely sorry for that. Life has gotten in the way , and I haven’t really focused much on writing as much as I have towards my studies and my life. But I recently got an email from Wattpad that has upset me quite a lot, and I’d like to address it, as I believe it’s entirely unfair.
          I got an email saying that one of my stories had been removed. Upon further inspection, I realised that it was my collection of JackSepticEye smut-shots. Now, this has been an issue before with Wattpad’s Terms and Conditions, but there was always an option to turn on explicit content so that underage readers wouldn’t have access to it. This was fine for me. But now they’ve outright deleted the entire story, which I don’t think I have copies of anywhere else.
          I’m truely upset by this, as I believe in the right to uncensored content, especially in regards to the literary community. I’m going to email Wattpad about this situation, but as you’re probably aware at this point, the JackSepticEye smut-shots are now completely erased from Wattpad. I’m terribly sorry for this guys.


Hey everyone!
          I know, it's been so long since I've updated any of my stories, especially my JackSepticEye ones. Since I managed to keep the job I had over Christmas break, managing that and school has been time-consuming enough, so I've had nowhere near enough time set aside for my writing. I feel bad, because you guys are loving my ideas and I can't even keep up with them  but I'm gonna try and find a way around my work and school, maybe sneak in some paragraphs here and there to get a chapter out every month, haha! But in all seriousness, I have been pretty busy away from Wattpad and I wanna thank you all for your continued support. It means the absolute world to me to have readers like you guys 
          However, the reason I've returned for a moment is because I've heard that the Watty Awards are at large! Needless to say, I'd be super keen to enter a few of my stories, but I don't know which ones. Did you guys wanna choose for me? I don't wanna be a pain, but I can't choose a favourite out of everything I've written. They're all so good!
          Secondly, I'm thinking of opening a twitter account so I could interact with more SepticEye, DannySexbang and Markiplier fans. Would you guys follow me if I did? I'd love to fangirl with likeminded people 
          Anyway, I'll try and work out another chapter for my stories as soon as I can. I don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer, especially when you've been so patient with me.
          Sending my love
          - Amy ❤️


Hey hey! Sorry to interrupt your regular activities, but I'm wondering when Emerald Scales will be updated. I'm sorry to ask a kind of douchey question, but I'm completely in love with the concept, and the idea. Anyway, that's all from me. I'll be looking forward to the next part!


Hello! Sorry, I've been so M.I.A lately when it comes to updates/checking my feed  but I'm so proud that people are still digging the story! I do plan to update soon, I just don't have a schedule organised just yet. But keep an eye out, I'm defiantly not abandoning the story  thank you for reading, friend! 