If you're on my profile, you should read this . There's a lot of fanfictions that I've wrote here on this account, but I want you to know that I don't write them anymore/will never update them again. I don't find it right, I find it weird and cringe. The plotlines are so weird and delusional. I think everything changed after I actually met Matty himself, he was so nice and genuine - and that's when I realised he's just a person too, he wakes up, goes to sleep, has ups and downs. I just don't really want to write fanfictions anymore, and (honestly) don't want to be associated with them lol. But I'm keeping them here, because many of you read them, and I wouldn't want to delete them from you. Plus, it shows how far I've come as a writer. So they're there to read, but note, if you're going to follow me, I'll only be posting stories that aren't based on anyone, totally just my imagination. And there's a book on here I wrote called 'short stories', I like it the most. Please check it out.
All the love,
Amy. Xx