
          	I really like your 'Child of darkness: dion' story! I hope you update soon. :)


@greenwave14 thanks :) actually i've put up a sort of poll thing on my page it on the comments and basically i don't update really well what with school and all so its like either 1 month or two months so i decided to make it easier and pot this up:
          A: I have 4 stories up here so i put either two or three on hold and finish one this way i'll update every week promise (you guys get to pick which stories on hold and which one to finish, i'll add up the numbers to decide)
          B: I'll update the four books and put them in order so each week 1 of the 4 books get updated then the next and it'll keep going like that
          C: I update monthly and each month 2 books get updated (TWO) the next month the other two ( you can choose which two to be together)
          Here are the books:
          Keep your friends close your enemies closer (KYFCYEC)
          The game still played (TGSP)
          Take a second look (TASL)
          Child of darkness: Dion (CODD)
          This is already on my page but i copied it here anyways. Pick either A , B or C and post it on my wall so i can count it up :)