can you guess what's lower than my grades this year?!?!?!?!
Is it my eyesight?!?!?!
Is it the nonexistentingbankthatimsubscribedtocozimunderaged?!?!?!?
The answer is my self esteem!
We did it we did it
I just thought of something
You can never know how it feels to be dummer or smarter than yourself
Like think of it
Okay that did make sense but you know what I'm trying to say
You dont, ᶜᵒᵒˡ.
You know the guys in trailers always talk really and scary
they always sound cool
They could be saying " When I am hungry, I eat food."
"Mayonnaise is just egg poop does that make me a villain?"
And people will just clap and cheer
Like ...?