
Lately there has been many acts of violence against Asians all around the world, particularly in America. Please do all you can to help. Most of us here are Kpop fans and it is not fair for us to just sit back and watch this happen as we pick and choose which parts of their culture or media to support. I will leave a link for a petition on this message, please sign it. Don’t stay silent, don’t be a bystander, do what you can to help. #stopasianhate
          	[P.s. this is reposted only, it's not written by me but it has everything I got to say]


Lately there has been many acts of violence against Asians all around the world, particularly in America. Please do all you can to help. Most of us here are Kpop fans and it is not fair for us to just sit back and watch this happen as we pick and choose which parts of their culture or media to support. I will leave a link for a petition on this message, please sign it. Don’t stay silent, don’t be a bystander, do what you can to help. #stopasianhate
          [P.s. this is reposted only, it's not written by me but it has everything I got to say]