So I finished never have I ever and I loved it so much that I decided to make like a million edits of it . So I am going to ask who wants to see a story based devi's sis×paxton or anyone else in the story ? Or for you academics, a story with reader ×ben ?
I will write for
Fabiola Tores
Ethan Morales
Eleanor Wong
Paxton Hall yoshida
Devi vishwakumar
Ben Gross (that's his actual name )
Oliver Martinez
Margot Ramos
Basically, everyone else
Reader can be any gender (request for specific repesentation)
I can write for any sexualtiy so pls just request it and I will write gladly . For those of you who haven't watched it ,it is on any streaming network but mainly on netflix for the best experience and rember to watch all of it, not just season 4 ! Going back to the devis sis idea I can also do it for any other character, but devi and Rebecca (paxtons sis ) makes the best love stories . But it is up to you, and I'm really sorry for making you all read this.
Pls message if interested and I will start on one also keep in mind that this show is 12 but it kinda has some sexual references and if your not comfortable then pls tell me and I won't add it in . Lastly , I will first write one that I've been planning for a while, which will be Eleanor sis ×paxton . Hoping for some messages, aanavr1