
Hello, my lovelies! During the weekend or holiday break, I will try to finish my first story I'm writing and it's first chapter along the others. I'll also give you a preview of my newest story I'm coming up with, which would be the sequel to the 3 popular movies, The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I have the prologue written and finished, but I'm still writing the first chapter since school takes up all my creating time lol. :) I will try to show you my Brother Bear and The Lord of the Rings story. Promise! Have a great week!


Hello, my lovelies! During the weekend or holiday break, I will try to finish my first story I'm writing and it's first chapter along the others. I'll also give you a preview of my newest story I'm coming up with, which would be the sequel to the 3 popular movies, The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I have the prologue written and finished, but I'm still writing the first chapter since school takes up all my creating time lol. :) I will try to show you my Brother Bear and The Lord of the Rings story. Promise! Have a great week!