
I hope you know just how truly talented you are. Your writing is an absolute joy to experience. Your vision is blindingly bright with its beauty and craft, your details breathe life into characters you represent with such vividness and heart, to a world you capture bold and raw. Your dialogue is as effortless as it is mesmerizing and real. I've been reading See Right Through You but I didnt know you had written another story and stumbled across In a Dark Meadow, oh my goodness, your writing and storytelling blew me away. I absolutely devoured that story and those two characters and never wanted their tale to end. You are so very talented and I hope you know just how incredible your gift for storytelling truly is.❤️


@dixondarlin wow your words have STUNNED me. thank you for leaving me these unbelievably kind words and THANK YOU for reading my stories. I have such a love-hate relationship with my writing so it's just wonderful to hear this kind of feedback. thank you again and I'll probably reread this message like twenty more times today <3