hello friends! so you may have noticed that as of recent i haven't really been active on wattpad like, at all and i actually deleted all of my works apart from four fics and that's bc i'm just not rly all that dedicated to this account or website much anymore - i'm mostly here for reading (and i am r a r e l y on here) and honestly, i have no clue if any of my current fics are going to be updated any time soon (if ever), i don't want to abandon this account completely because i've made so many wonderful friends through it and i really do love some of the works i've read and some of the responses i have received to my own works. in conclusion, i'm not going anywhere (permanently) but i definitely won't be as active as i used to be but i'll try my best. love you all x - grace

@-AnAngelsGrace awwww ok!! hey if you ever decide to like leave wattpad, we should text on google hangouts!!!