
@xXMopelXx You're welcome! I just have this weird obsession with him, but for some reason I couldn't seem to find any stories with him playing any character, so I thought it would be nice to recommend him to you. Anyway, I love your story, and plot in general. And I can't want to see who you chose to play Troy.xoxo <3


znas, u poslednom vreme stvarno vidim mnogo ljudi iz srbije, stvarno je lepo videti ljudima sa kojim mozes da pricas na materni jezikom (izvini ako nije ovo bas na srpskim jezikom, iz makedonije sam) :D


Takodje, mada ja nesto nisam primetila mnogo nasih ljudi, svakako je lepo pricati sa nekim na svom maternjem jezik. :D
            i ne brini se, nema toliko razlike izmedju srpskog i makedonskog :*


@xXMopelXx You're welcome! I just have this weird obsession with him, but for some reason I couldn't seem to find any stories with him playing any character, so I thought it would be nice to recommend him to you. Anyway, I love your story, and plot in general. And I can't want to see who you chose to play Troy.xoxo <3


Okay, so I saw your comment on my story, and would just like to say that I love you. THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 You know that model's name you gave me? I've been dying, trying to SEARCH for his name. I have a sexy picture of tim borrman saved on my desktop but I never knew his name until you commented on my story! God, thank you so freaking much for that :') <3 ! xo