
Blessed the starwars fandom ;3//


❝ don’t  look  at  me  it  was  the  porgs  fault ❞  the male had a faint blush on his nose as the ship had jerked suddenly and presently left him and his master in the position which they were in now, Kylo on his knees and between the others legs whilst his masters hand was placed on the top of his head 


            "Come now boy theres excuses excuses." Kun scoffed lightly with a small amused grin on his lips as he cocked his brow. Moving his long hair aside as he studied his apprentice's face from the position they were in. He was basically no different. Nose red and blushed yet held it with more pride than embarrassment compared to the other before crossing his arms over his chest. "Get on you're feet. Don't be so quick to jump for excuses."


M͟͟A͟͟S͟͟T͟͟E͟͟R͟͟ ,    [ * their voice echoed ,  seemingly robotic as they moved towards the other —- brows furrowed within the helmet ,  and lips turned into a scowl .  ]    you told me ..  you told me  she  would / turn / .     have you made false promises ?


            Please spare me these new ways of how the sith work Kylo. * Exar Kun despised these new rules of the sith. To where once there being armies of sith now left go only a mere two and an army behind them. Their numbers rested in their power. And with smoke and Palpatine dead Exar being as old as he was, was determined to run the galaxy in a different way. Still holding old sith artifacts and such under his belt he had abilities that could make even the strongest of willed jedi bow before him in submission. He wanted an army of sith as it once was back when he was recognizable. And his first when ren had found him on his moon on Yavin Four he considered a /Prison/ was his first apprentice. And since ren had memories of Ray he wanted her as well. Under his wing.* the new way of the sith is far from what I would consider decent. Quite frankly it disgusts me. You are /not/ below me. We are equal. /you may be my apprentice but you /will not bow/ before me like you're a worm. *Taking ren he pulled him to his feet. His scowl was there but not pointed to the one clothed in black.*


              y͟͟e͟͟s͟͟ ,  m͟͟a͟͟s͟͟t͟͟e͟͟r͟͟ .      [ * he spoke ,  a wheeze coming from him as he attempted to breathe —- adjusting his helmet and exhaling shakily again —- hands shaking as he  leaned on to one side ,  the side of him that wasn’t horribly scarred .  he had gained a limp from his previous ..  things .   one can say, that he was growing used to many new things —- things he did not ask for .  snoke .. or palpatine ,  had tortured him for his mistakes - replacing bits of him for robotic pieces , slowly turning him into his very own grandfather .   ]      i will not fail you .


            False promises.. *he repeated from where he stood. Looking back to hat time where he managed to talk former padawan's into corruption. But this boy was impatient when it came to a girl who was strong willed and struggling with herself.* you're mistaken. You're merely impatient, my apprentice. It takes time. Brute forcing her turn to the dark side could end up killing her. And yourself in the process if you're not careful. *he took a step towards the one he taught. His hand firmly gripping the other's shoulder as he spoke. * Don't be a /fool/ Kylo. You'll wind up like my old apprentice. 


❝  if  you  weren’t  trying  to  stab  me  .  .  .  ❞  ♯  the  male  held  the  other  close  to  himself  ,  a  smirk  upon  his  face  ❝  i’d  try  something  with  you  ❞


@ancientsiths   ⦗  *  raises  hand  *  ⦘  permission  to  kiss  this  baby  


            The old sith lord smirked at his words. He was far from wrong. He /would/ indeed have regretted killing him. He was useful. Thousands of years trapped on yavin four. Faking his death and feeding off of the force for his youth. Killing his only apprentice would spell the waking of a bad day for the overly confident Sith. His grey hues going lax as he narrowed them almost instantly. In many ways Exar Kun knew ways of the dark side that even Ren didn't know. Moves taught by the jedi and sith in a long forgotten past. Now being passed down." You're confident to think I won't. But in a way you're right. I would regret killing my /only/ apprentice." He said before pushing back. Gaining his distance as he lightly twirled his weapon in his fingers." But if betrayal were to embed itself with me for a second time. I'll see no use for a traitor. Much you render yourself simular to my first appearance, Ulic Qel Droma." 


⠀⠀⠀⠀&&.      ─︎─︎─︎─︎      with  a  blaster  in  hand   ,   han  solo  looked  around  within  the  dim  building  with  narrowed  eyes     .     to  be  more  exact    ,    it  was  the  remains  of  a  building  from  some  time  ago  on  a  planet  whose  name  he  couldn't  recall  within  that  moment      .     with  each  step  of  his  boots    ,    the  rubble  and  planet  beneath  him  cracked  and  crumbled  audibly     .    he  got  further  into  the  rubble    ,    some  of  the  ceiling  still  standing    ,    before  hearing  something     .    he  wasn't  force  sensitive  by  any  means    ,    but  he  wasn't  a  stupid  nerfhearder  despite  what  a  certain  someone  else  thought      .     he  grew  cautious    ,    peering  around  corners  until  he  found  the  source  of  the  noise     .     there  was  someone  standing  in  the  darkness  of  a  corner    ,    mostly  concealed  within  said  darkness     .     he  clenched  his  jaw  briefly  and  hoped  chewie  was  on  the  millennium  falcon  and  safe     .     "    hey     !     "     he  called      .


            The young man's smirk remained as he shut his eyes. Upon his left hand was a glowing amulet. Clenching it the male took a deep breath as he stretched his neck. Light pops spared them of silence as he took a moment." Alright/smuggler/ I'll amuse you. A war of old has left me stranded on this moon of Yavin Four for quite some time. Leaving me separated from bot both social interaction and my lightsaber. Luckily for me you managed to find this temple. I commend you." He was vauge. Extreamly vague. Not going too deep into the subject matter as he spoke with an air of confidence and false ernesty. The way he spoke definitely showed his lack of social interaction as he cocked his head. He had no money to coax the smuggler. And if convincing didn't work. By all means. He was willing to threaten. Despite not having his feared lightsaber the force was just as if not /worse/ than being cut down by a saber. 


@manwanted ⠀⠀⠀⠀&&.      ─︎─︎─︎─︎      han  looked  the  figure  from  head  to  toe    ,    clearly  not  amused  or  impressed  with  this  old  armor  dude's  words     .    "    woah    ,    dont  you  get  any  ideas  of  touching  MY  ship     .     who  the  hell  are  you  and  why  are  you  in  this  dump     ?     "     he  inquired    ,    his  blaster  having  followed  the  figure  but  hasn't  shot      .     he  was  truly  interested  in  the  answers  fo  his  questions    ,    having  noticed  the  brand  upon  his  forehead  and  the  armor  that  he  bore     .     han  had  only  seen  images  of  such  things  but  couldn't  recall  where  or  when  he  HAD  seen  them     .     he  glanced  at  the  skeleton  on  the  floor    ,    making  a  disgusted  expression  before  looking  back  at  the  dark  haired  man      .     


            A dark smile lifted upon his lips. Through thousands of years [ to him possibly a few centuries ] like the armies he once commanded of the massassi he was looking upon the first lifeform in ages. A human no different to him." I'm amazed. More or less that someone found this temple. A smuggler no less." He hummed from the darkness as he turned. His shadow bulky. Large and tall with a red glow casted upon his hand. Long hair and a cape flowed behind him as he simply walked down the corridor to a large interior. An oversized skeleton of what looked to he an oversized monstrosity lay on the ground in the middle of the large arena like room as the man stopped to overlook the room." could be of use to me." He said coolly as he clenched his fist tightly. The room a bit more well lit than the corridor as he turned to face the male once moreton reveal his face. A young man. Around if not the same age of the smuggler. His dark eyes pinned on him with an old brand scarred on his forehead. His armor was old. Extreamly old that matched that of a jedi. Torn with scotch Mark's as if he were in a fight." You have a ship. I could finally leave this planet." He smiled. But the smile seemed twisted. 


I slowly wish there were more literate sw anons. Dont get me wrong I love you guys. I just wish there was longer replies ;4;//


@VADERHEIR No! You're fine! I wasn't mentioning you in the slightest no one in particular. It just bums me out. But you. You just got back. And you and I haven't interacted yet. I'm sorry if I offended you ;4; you seem like a good dude♡


@ancientsiths   i  have  just  returned  from  nearly  a  year  long  hiatus  please  be  patient  —


            / yes , especially when you want to interact with others but are not sure if they’d even respond y’know ? so after a while i give up trying to be literate and just do things that are small.


have you met supreme leader ren as of yet  ?


the force was such an alien thing for hux ,   that and this whole war of sith lords and jedi knights .    he barely knew a thing and most of it had came from the conversations with snoke and what he had overheard from ren’s temper tantrums .   it was bizarre indeed ,   but something quite intriguing to him ,   perhaps having a sith by his side would’ve improved his situation with ren .
            “ sadly he is the one in charge ,   yes . ”


            Exar seemed rather disappointed to hear such words. But he knew that Hux was being honest with him. A shift in his hrow as the scar of claw marks upon his cheek festered with his mental irritation. "The sith have truly become disappointingly weak since I've been trapped on Yavin Four." His grey hues narrowed as he thought and pondered on Hux's words." Temper tantrums. And yet he leads you?" He was almost on the verge of laughing yet stifled it with a light grin.


the general nodded ,   he was more than glad to inform him about ren .  “ that must be kylo ren , ”  he answered almost instantly .  “ supreme leader kylo ren is ...   well ,   you will most often find him wearing a helmet and probably throwing what is commonly known as a temper tantrum ...”